Sunday, 30 December 2007

A Brush-off

Also known as being ditched by someone or getting blown off, being given the brush-off will be next known as being given the top, as in the top of a bottle or something like it. This new expression I made up for the English language comes from Portuguese and is very useful for joke making as you will see as we continue.

I normally, by now, present the downsides of the subject, but in this case they are kind of obvious, and though sometimes we are given the top, just to see how we react, being disliked, mostly, speaks for itself! I normally react with smoothness but yesterday after a professionally conducted flirt and seeming to go very well, I was given a phone number top! I was shocked! I am already sending an agent on the field to report the damage and to brief me in on the situation!

This Portuguese expression is very useful in a way that we can give someone the brush-off discreetly by opening a bottle and giving her the top, she understands that I might be committed or maybe just not in the mood, which in my case never happens!

In order to present this bright side, I will reveal a thought that I came up with a few months ago and posted it on my personal blog: "O amor é como as promoções da Coca-Cola, colecciona-se as tampas e depois acabamos por ter um prémio!" (“Love is just like the Coca-Cola contests, you collect the tops and in the end you'll get a prize"). This is true, you have to get ditched a few times in order to appreciate the other person, if it comes too easy you will not give it the same credit, it raises the interest.

And the top-notch message for today is... Give some tops, give some Love!


linfoma_a-escrota said...

what a waste of hate
head & shoulders
say no to the voices
it's raining men


Vitor Moura said...

I'm not a hater
just a lover
my girlfriend said
go n' fuck her

(poesia refuta-se com poesia)

shôra dona escrota, antes de mais bem vinda, e...hum...parabéns pelo nome!
A sério..nada melhor do que acordar com um e-mail com este remetente, uma das fusões de palavras mais assustadora que já vi, linfoma e escrota(o)...
obrigado e volte sempre! (já dizia a outra cujo nome se encontra no endereço do teu site!)