Thursday, 1 November 2007


We can all agree that killing people is bad, except for George Bush, of course. And there isn’t much to say about it, we just turn on our TV and watch the headlines talking about war here and there and about to start over there, but do we really get a glimpse of the truth? This is a trick question because we only see what the media want us to see; fortunately we don’t get it live on our window, unfortunately, if you live next to the TVI building or the white house or something stupid like that.

But what is war? When I think of it, I realize that we start cold wars on our everyday life, whether it’s with our lover, our parents, our colleagues at work or even our friends. People need war just as monkeys need bananas. (Ah! Great José Cid!). As a friend and visitor of this blog, Verita, used to say “War without blood is sex”, I don’t quite agree because sometimes sex has blood, just look at that Marilyn Manson video for “Heart Shaped Glasses”, bloody fucking driving her crazy! Speaking of music, War (also) inspired a Portuguese band that has been performing all around the world for soldiers, inspiring them to fight for their beliefs or just for the sake of shooting up people. That band is Kalashnikov, with songs like “Tiananmen Tiananmen (Kill Another Yellow Man)” or “Warriors Of The Hezbollah “, this War Time Rock n’ Roll band has been raising hell wherever there is war.

But even war has a bright side, and I don’t mean when a grenade blows up in front of you, I mean a real bright side, something useful. We all have been in a situation where we meet someone and we don’t really know what more to say, and some war, somewhere, in a remote part of the world is always the best topic to unlock the moment. We know for sure that there is always something to say and everyone gets the news that there is a war happening and you can have a moment to shine and say something smart. Of course, if you’re a guy and want to score a girl, you better stick to that “So…do you like kids? Actually I can make them, you know!?”. It is better not to enter in a war topic, just stick to being funny.

So...the bloody message for today is... Fight for conversation!


Vera said...

My dear buddy,
Once more, I got pleasure from reading this first-rate post. First, I would like to let you know that the sentence, War without blood is sex, was whispered between two beers and some lupine by my much-loved AP! I would rather state that Sex is a war where, sometimes, you can get some small(or big, it depends…) bruises… and I’m an expert :p!
Of course, killing people is ghastly and we learn it since we are very babyish, at home, at church, at school… (if you take someone’s life, you will go to hell… currently I know that people who murder individuals simply go to jail…and occasionally they just don’t get there :s).
However, the war is very breathing in our lives… it come into our sights on TVs, Radios, Newspapers, Cinema and even in music as you said! It is everywhere!
A fucking truth is that we start icy wars daily with people that surrounds us mostly our parents (We all remember our teenager years, full of stupid conflicts with them).
From time to time, they are stupid wars, caused by stupid arguments or misinterpretations and where no-one gives up of what they really think about, even knowing that the other person is spot on!
War is a great desbloqueador de conversa (remember OHQMC) just like the famous It may rain today, don’t you think?! but it doesn’t work this way with all people! I mean, some people are to boot dim-witted that having nothing to say just quote other people’s view. As soon as this happens to me, I use to think that: they don’t have neither their own opinion nor a brain to use!
I rather prefer a funny icebreaker when I meet someone new, than a more complex one! Furthermore, it is my own opinion as a girl, maybe some other girls prefer spiritless conversations, I don’t know…!
You said everything by saying that fight for conversation is a bright side of our everyday lives’ wars, at the outset because we need to communicate with others and secondly because by fighting and persisting, we can get to the bottom of tons of meaningless problems caused by stupid misunderstandings!
To end up with this 10 meters comment, I would like to say that if there is a chance, yet extremely small, of a bomb or a grenade blowing up inside TVI building, well it will be great! Arghhhhh!!! How could people watch their stupid TV shows?!

Vitor Moura said...

em primeiro lugar, boa noite.
em segundo lugar, obrigado.
em terceiro lugar, o sporting.
em quarto lugar, grande comentario.
Agora a sério, creditos ao AP pla frase...
Grande referência essa ao HQMOC, belos tempos de rádio! =D
Eu kurto conversas 'spiritless', assim posso estar a pensar noutras coisas enquanto ela so diz treta!
No que toca à TVI...vamos todos esperar que alguém chame aquilo Twin Towers ou Estação de Comboios de Madrid ou alguma cidade israelita. Fé! Tiananmen Tiananmen, kill the TVI, men!
Agora que penso nisso, eu vejo a TVI...quando dá futebol! C'um caralho! Que mil jogadores de Rugby me plaquem! Assim, depois desta triste revelação me despeço!

Vera said...

LoL, mas futebol não é um TV show kkr... futebol é futebol! por essas estás perdoado!!! k eu tb estou :p de resto era 1 bomba la na tvi!!!

Frequência Jovem said...

Não se generalize, porque a TVI dá umas séries que têm a sua graça. Portanto no que toca a transmitir o que é dos outros não está mal, agora quando mela ela própria as mão na massa é que nos saem "coisas" como Cantando e Dançando por um casamento de sonho!!!!!!!!! Mas gostei da sugestão da mudança de nome para Twin Towers :D

Vitor Moura said...

Mas eu acho que é ai que eles pecam! Eu aqui ha uns tempos descobri The Office (EUA) ás tantas da manhã! fikei chocado dakilo dar e eu nem saber! Pensei k teriam anunciado mas perguntei a outras pessoas e ninguém viu! Pérolas daquelas e não tem prime pime?! É crime! Neste momento o tipo que encomendou aquilo por um balurdio deve estar despedido por gastar dinheiro à toa! Eu até entendo k seja complicado o target da TVI entender aquilo, mas porra, ao menos horas decentes! Eu ainda me lembro de aguentar horas acordado sem os meus pais saber à espera de ver Seinfeld! Era tempo de escola e tinha k ir pa cama cedo! =D